沃尔沃PENTA TAD1150VE是一款越野直列6缸10.8升柴油发动机。它的特点是电子燃油喷射,顶置凸轮轴和涡轮。高性能高功率和扭矩已经在低发动机转速。平衡良好的发动机平稳运行和低噪音水平。结构紧凑,安装简单,维修方便。容易到达的服务点。高效燃油喷射系统,燃烧效率高,油耗低。使用内部EGR减少排放。技术特点:低转速下高扭矩、快速响应;耐高硫水平;高功率密度;通用平台可根据当前排放标准进行调整;采用沃尔沃Penta EMS 2全电子,CAN-bus和独立接口(可选)TAD1150-1152VE功能强大。可靠、经济的非公路柴油发动机里程,基于沃尔沃集团的直列六概念车。 Compact & simple installation As optional equipment ail material needed in order to install the engine can be ordered from Volvo Penta. Installation guidelines as well as drawmgs and CAD models are easy to access. The resuit is an engine that is easy to install. Durability & low noise Long expennce with base engine development reduces risk of downtime. Well-balanced to produce smooth operation with low noise. Power & torque Maximum power and torque available at low rpm. As a resuit noice as well as fuel consumption is very low.