沃尔沃PENTA TAD750VE是一款越野,直列6缸,7.2升柴油发动机。它的特点是六孔燃油喷射喷嘴,直接喷射单元泵和涡轮增压。高性能高功率和扭矩已经在低发动机转速。平衡良好的发动机平稳运行和低噪音水平。结构紧凑,安装简单,维修方便。容易到达的服务点。高效燃油喷射系统,燃烧效率高,油耗低。技术特点:低转速高扭矩,快速响应;耐高硫;高功率密度;通用平台,可根据当前排放标准进行调整;采用沃尔沃Penta EMS 2全电子,均为CAN-bus和独立接口(可选)可靠和经济的通用柴油发动机建立在可靠的沃尔沃直列六设计。经久耐用,噪音低,安装简单,快捷,经济。 Well-balanced to produce smooth and vibration-free operation with low noise level, featured with high torque. To maintain a controlled working température in cylmders and combustion chambers, the engine is equipped with piston cooling. The engine is also fitted with replaceable cylmder Imers and valve seats/guides to ensure maximum durabil-ity and service life of the engine. Operational economy and low exhaust emissions The common rail injection and charging System with low internai losses contrib-utes to excellent combustion and low fuel consumption. The TAD750VE complies with EPA/ CAR B Tier 3 and EU stage III exhaust emission régulations.