沃尔沃PENTA TAD721VE是一款越野,直列6缸,7.2升柴油发动机。它的特点是六孔燃油喷射喷嘴,直接喷射单元泵和涡轮增压。易于安装和服务紧凑的设计,快速,方便和经济的安装。高功率重量比。内有服务点。高效燃油喷射系统,燃烧效率高,油耗低。低噪音优化发动机设计:运行平稳,无振动,噪音低。技术特点。电子控制。can总线通信。紧凑的设计。广泛的可选设备和电源设置。机械或电子控制与can总线通信。经久耐用,噪音低,安装简单,快捷,经济。平衡良好,运行平稳,无振动,噪音低。 To maintain a controlled worfcing température in cylinders and combustion chambers, the engine is equipped with piston cooling. Low exhaust emissions The State of the art, high-tech injection and charging System with low internal losses contributes to excellent combustion and low fuel consumption. The TAD721 VE complies with EU Stage 2, EPA/CARB Tier 2 exhaust émission régulations. Easy service & maintenance Modem injection System, integrated oil cooler and ail service points located on one side provides best possible access in an installation. Replaceable cylinder liners valve guides and valve seats grves lower service and repair costs for the customer.