沃尔沃PENTA TAD870VE是一款越野,直列6缸,7.7升柴油发动机。它的特点共轨燃油喷射,顶置凸轮轴,和可变几何涡轮增压。高性能高功率和扭矩可在低转速。噪音和燃料消耗都很低。结构紧凑,安装简单,维修方便。容易到达的服务点。高效燃油喷射系统,燃烧效率高,油耗低。技术特点:经过验证的和直接的设计-建立在沃尔沃集团技术-高功率和扭矩已经在低发动机转速-紧凑,TAD870-873VE是一款功能强大、易于安装和维修的、可调节的、可调节的排放标准。世界一流的燃油效率,加上可靠的尾气后处理系统,使其运行时间长,拥有成本低。 No downtime for régénération or decreased service intervals. Compact & simple installation SCR technology selected by Volvo does not increase amount of cooling capac-ity needed. As optional equipment ail matenal needed in order to install the engine can be ordered from Vofvo Penta. Installation guidelines as well as drawings and CAD models are easy to access. The resuit is an engine and aftertreatment System that is easy to install. Durability & low noise Long expennce with SCR Systems in combination with base engine development rcduces risk of downtime.