Magnelab是当前传感器和其他此类设备制造的全球领导者。他们的MGC-1000是一种实心电流传感器。它有一个1英寸的开口,能够将30安培到300安培的输入电流转换为5安培的输出电流。用于这些交流电流传感器的材料是完全UL认可的B类材料。该装置还成功通过了4000 RMS的高压测试。与所有的Magnelab产品一样,MGC-必威体育app官方下载1000有一些特定的功能,使其有别于其他设备。注意,它将交流电流转换为交流电流。对于那些需要转换交流电压到直流电压的人,他们可以看一下交流到直流电压传感器RMS-333。MGC-1000是一个5安培输出电流互感器。工作频率为50Hz ~ 400Hz。 It is made from a very rugged construction. This allows it to be very easy to handle. Additionally, it can be used both in outdoor and indoor applications. It comes with rubberized winding coating. This gives the AC current sensor with 5 Amp output additional strength and protection. Furthermore, the input current transformer’s output is linear from 10% to 130% of rated current. Magnelab has also included a ten year warranty on the product. Furthermore, it is made in the USA, passes ISO 901 quality 2000 standards and is RoHS and CE certified. This fully guarantees its overall quality and its safety.