SCT-3000系列分芯电流传感器是Magnelab公司生产的4-20 ma输出交流电流传感器。这些电流互感器的设计是这样的,它们可以将3000安培的交流输入电流转换为0.333伏特的输出电流。具体来说,SCT-3000有多种安培额定值的选择,最大的是3000安培。为了容纳相对较大的导体,它有一个3英寸的开口。像这样的交流电流传感器最好用在已经到位的电气装置上。这是因为它们可以简单地绑在现有的售票员周围,以增加安全。此外,这个特殊的模型还带有自锁机制,这使得它更加安全,用户更加友好。它通常用于记录、数据记录、能源管理、电力监控和成本分配等应用。Magnelab设计的每一个电流感应变压器,包括SCT-0400分心电流互感器,其额定电流低至75安培,具有许多特定的特性。SCT-3000具有高达3,000安培的额定电流输入和0.333伏特输出。 The linearity accuracy of the device is 1 percent either way at 10 percent to 130 percent of the rated current. At 50% of rated current, the phase angle is less than 2 degrees. The device is designed to operate within the frequency range of between 50 Hz and 400 Hz. It comes with twisted pair leads measuring 8 feet as standard and, on a bare conductor, it has a maximum voltage of 600 volts. The SCT-3000 series is fully UL recognized, as well as being compliant with the CE and RoHS standards.