描述DCT-0010 Magnelab分流核直流电压输出换能器是一个10mm电流传感器,具有分开的核心。它将5,10,25或50AMP的AC电流转换为5V直流电压输出。像这样的拆分芯电流传感器非常适合在现有电线系统上安装。它只需围绕承载要检测到电流的导体缠绕。这种特殊模型具有自锁机构,便于使用。该电流变压器通常用于制冷和HVAC和泵中的能量管理。此外,它可以在照明和风扇中找到。事实上,它也用于小型工业电机。它具有5至50个AMPS交流额定输入和5 VDC,额定电流输出。它配备了7.5 VDC限制。 It’s accuracy is around 2% either way full scale, and its frequency range is 50 to 60 Hz. The accuracy is 5% to 120 percent for rated current, and it has an output impedance of 6.2 KOhms. The output ripple is 5% either way. It comes with two M3 screw terminals and works on CAT III 6000 VAC system voltage. The device is UL recognized, as well as being RoHS and CE compliant. It comes with a full seven year warranty.