凯氏定氮蒸汽蒸馏装置“亲硝基M”测定有机氮(凯氏定氮法)。自动添加氢氧化钠并临时停止。蒸汽蒸馏凯氏定氮装置。简单安全的系统分析,适用于小到中等吞吐量的样品。蒸汽蒸馏系统。紧凑的蒸汽发生器,安全的超温温控器和超压装置。安全门,如果门是开着的,系统将不会运行。“管到位”传感器:如果管不到位,氢氧化钠的加药过程就不会发生。用于消化/蒸馏管的通用适配器MACRO (Ø 42 mm)和MICRO (Ø 26mm)占地面积小,节省台顶空间:H2O和NaOH储层放置在单元内。不锈钢外壳,加强ABS塑料正面。 Automatic distillate titration kit. (See accessories). SPECIFICATIONS Measuring range: from 0.2 to 200 mg of Kjeldahl Nitrogen. Programmable distillation time. Nitrogen recovery >99.5% Distillation speed: from 35-40ml/minute Typical distillation time: from 7-10 minutes. Water consumption rate: from 80-100 litres/Hr. Steam generator water consumption: 2,5 Litres/ Hr. Water reservoir for steam generator: 6 litres NaOH reservoir: 2 Litres. ALARMS Low water level for the steam generator. Safety door open or no distillation/digestion tube in place. Steam generator over temperature. AUTOMATED SEQUENCES Open and closure of cooling water to the cooling coil. Automatic load of NaOH once the distillation has started. Select NaOH volume. Stop at the end of the pre-set programmed time. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS To complete Kjeldahl Nitrogen analysis a digestion block is also required.