数字色度计" Clormic "微处理器控制。自动零吸光度和100%透光率。字母数字20个字符2行液晶显示。应用化学实验室,质量控制,环境控制。波长范围:400到800 nm,通过使用特殊的过滤器,带通30 nm。12位过滤盘轮选择。标准滤光片:420、440、490、520、550、580、620和680 nm。扩展吸收范围:-0.3到3.5外径实时。传输:0 ~ 100t %。光度精度:> 1%。 Photometric precision: ±1 %. Photometric stability: 0.004 A/hr. Light source: Long life tungsten lamp. Detector: Solid state. Sample chamber: 10 mm cuvettes or test tubes of 12 and 16 mm Ø. Minimum volume: 1 ml. Display: Alphanumeric LCD display of 2 lines of 20 characters. Calculation functions: Transmission T%. Absorbence, Concentration by factor or standard concentrations. Calibration: Self adjusting by software. RS-232 interface. CONTROL PANEL ON/OFF switch. Interactive LCD display. Numeric and function keypad.