适用于制药和生化实验室,动力学,定量分析,波长扫描,多组分和DNA/蛋白质分析。已开发通用分光光度计UV-2005和UV-3100进行准确测试;它的杂散光仅为0.05% t。灵活,易于使用,价值最大化。价值来自于每天的表现。独立的本地软件提供以下功能:基本模式,定量测试,动力学和系统实用程序。当停电时,数据被储存在存储器中。特殊的应用软件提供了一个完整的控制分光光度计从PC,通过内置的USB端口。波长扫描型号可通过Windows®专用软件连接PC进行升级。自动波长设置。卤素灯和氘灯可单独开关,延长灯的使用寿命。 Its pre-aligned design makes it possible to change lamps for the user himself. Large sample compartment for 5-100mm path length cuvettes, with optional holders. A wide range of optional accessories can also be selected. UV-2005 MODEL Large LCD screen (128x64bits). It can display a total of 200 groups of data (5 groups per screen). It can display standard curve and kinetics curve graphic. The system can also save the test results. A total of 200 data groups and 200 standard curves can be saved in the RAM memory. UV-3100 MODEL Absorbance, transmittance and concentration measurements.