半自动临床分析仪“光度计S-2000”低轮廓功能临床分析仪。应用临床实验室,临床生物化学,血液学,e.i.a。电解质和离子。特点47最常用的预编程临床方法:胆固醇,葡萄糖,血液铁,LHD,AST,UREA等高达134种方法,最高可达1000个储存结果。6分析拟合惯例:最终点,生物色,回归拟合,多标准曲线,最佳拟合和动力学。图形显示LCD(640 x 240像素,256种颜色)。灯寿命保存功能。图形显示。分析功能的质量控制。内置打印机。 Control by “roller ball mouse” or “external mouse.” Temperature conditions: 15 °C to 32 °C: Maximum humidity 85% RS232 out put interface. SPECIFICATIONS Solid state photodiode detector. Bichromatic optical system with 7 filters, 340, 405, 500, 546, 578, 620 and 670 nm. Band pass: 10 nm. Flow cell: 30 ul. Measuring range: from 0.000 to 2.500 ABS. Resolution: display 0.001 ABS, calculations to 0.0001ABS. Thermostatted Peltier cuvette holder: 25, 30 and 37 °C Precision ±0.1 °C. Tungsten halogen lamp of 6V 10 W. Comes complete with protective cover, spare lamp and two rolls of printer paper.