农业机械用发动机。新设计的水冷四缸直列发动机与冷却的外部排气回流与涡轮增压和充电空气冷却。使用dvt®氧化催化转化器(DOC),可在所有应用和环境条件下免维护操作。100%的动力起飞在飞轮和前端和额外的侧面PTO驱动高达120 Nm的安装多达两个液压泵。500小时的换油间隔和免维护的气门机构导致低维护成本和提高机器的可用性。发动机有一个可选的模块化尾气后处理系统(EAT),可以安装在发动机上。这使得DEUTZ能够对整个系统进行临时安装。最佳冷启动性能,即使在极端条件下。强大的共轨喷射系统和高效的燃烧过程与冷却的外部废气再循环确保发动机在低油耗和尾气排放的最佳性能。极其紧凑的发动机设计和客户友好的配件降低了安装成本,增加了应用程序的数量。 The engine fulfil the requirements of EU stage IIIB with the DVERT® oxidation catalytic converter. A variant without EAT is available as an option for less regulated markets. The DEUTZ TCD 2.9 NT is the compact, water-cooled 4-cylinder inline engine for narrow-track tractors with a power range from 84 to 103 hp. It complies with the requirement of the EU Stage III B. The engine has turbocharging, charge-air cooling and cooled external exhaust gas recirculation.