农业机械用发动机。水冷式六缸直列涡轮增压发动机,增压气冷和外部废气再循环冷却。6缸可选两级涡轮增压,达到最高的性能要求。发动机和排气后处理(EAT)的优化,最高的总系统效率,从而确保最低的燃料和总运营成本。强大的道依茨共轨(DCR®)喷射系统和与驱动管理智能链接的发动机电子控制(EMR 4)确保发动机在低油耗情况下的最佳性能。在飞轮和前端100%的动力起飞。极其紧凑的发动机设计与结构油底壳和以客户为导向,模块化系统的可选附加部件减少安装成本,增加应用程序的数量。发动机的安装和连接尺寸一致,便于将现有装置转换到排放法规的下一阶段。最佳冷启动性能,即使在极端条件下。非常平稳的运行,由于可选的质量平衡轴(4缸),保证了驾驶的舒适度。 500 h oil change intervals and easy changing of the engine fluids reduce the running costs and increase the availability of the machinery. The engines meet the requirements of the EU Stage IV and US EPA Tier 4 with DVERT® selective catalytic reduction (SCR) and particulate filter (DPF). Through the use of the DPF they already comply with the EU Stage V emissions standard expected from 2019.* A variant without EAT is available as an option for less regulated markets.