数据刷新率1,5,25,100,200 Hz同步精度±1微秒数据传输接口CAN 2.0 ZET 7112-A Ver.2压力表用于各种工业应用的自动化过程控制系统:石油和自然天然气工业;冶金行业;能源产业;建造业;化学工业;食品工业;公用事业和供水;机动和运输设施;它是一种数字压力计,用于简单且快速的压力测量,其通过CAN 2.0接口以数字形式传输测量值。 Functional units of ZET 7112-A VER2 pressure meter are as follows: a primary transducer and a measuring unit; they are combined in a single cover which ensures digital processing of the signal from the transducer within the minimum distance from it, which significantly decreases distortions of the measurement result. The primary transducer converts the pressure to analog signal. The measuring unit digitizes the signal from the converter and transmits the pressure value in a digital form via CAN 2.0 interface. The membrane of the primary transducer is made of a silicon plate. The strain resistor circuit (bridge connection) is implemented on the basis of the “silicon on sapphire” technology (SOS). This allows to perform inertia-free dynamic measurements up to 1,000 Hz. In contrast to metal membranes with glue-fixed bridge strain resistors, SOS membranes allow to register pressure change at the level of 0.00001 of the upper scale of the range. Sensibility of the electronic amplifier is 15 nV reduced to the input.