集成的主要换能器爆炸版RS-485数字输出4-20 MA输出版本可用4位指标数字量规压力ZET 7012-I.3米用于快速,简单的简单超压测量,并测量数字中的数据传输通过RS-485或4-20 MA接口格式。ZET 7012-I VER.3数字量规压力计旨在集成到各种技术过程中自动化控制系统:石油行业;金属行业;建造业;化学工业;食品加工业;市政基础设施;汽车运输和运输设施。数字量规压力ZET 7012-i.3米由主要换能器和集成测量模块组成。 The primary transducer converts the pressure value into analog signal. The measuring unit digitizes the signal received from the converter and transmits the pressure value in a digital form via RS-485 interface by means of Modbus protocol or via data transfer interface “Current loop” (4-20 mA). The membrane of the primary transducer is made of a silicon plate. The strain resistor circuit (bridge connection) is implemented on the basis of the “silicon on sapphire” technology (SOS). This allows to perform inertia-free dynamic measurements in the range up to 1,000 Hz. In contrast to metal membranes with glued bridge strain resistors, SOS membranes enable registering pressure change at the level of 0.00001 from the upper range limit. Sensitivity of the electronic amplifier is 15 nV reduced to the input.