集成一次换能器防爆版本RS-485数字输出4-20 mA输出版本可选ZET 7012-A-VER1数字压力表用于快速和简单的绝对压力测量和测量值数据传输的数字格式通过RS-485或4-20 mA接口。ZET 7012 - a -版本。数字压力计用于集成到各种工艺过程的自动控制系统中。数字压力表ZET 7012-A-VER。1由一次传感器和集成测量模块组成。测量单元将来自转换器的信号数字化,通过Modbus协议或数据传输接口“Current loop”(4-20 mA),通过RS-485接口将压力值以数字形式传输。初级换能器的薄膜是由硅板制成的。应变电阻电路(桥接)是在“蓝宝石上硅”技术(SOS)的基础上实现的。这允许执行无惯性动态测量高达1000hz。 In contrast to metal membranes with glued bridge strain resistors, SOS membranes allow to register pressure change at the level of 0.00001 from the upper scale of the range. Sensitivity of the electronic amplifier is 15 nV reduced to the input. ZET 7012-A-VER.1 digital pressure meter is equipped with an integrated cable. Depending on design version, the pressure meters are delivered whether with contact output for connection via 4-20 mA interface or RS-85, or with a cable plug FQ14-7TJ-8 for connection to RS-485 interface (connection to measuring network is performed by means of ZET 7002 connector).