完美激光是广告雕刻机行业的领先制造商。为了满足市场的需求,完美激光最近开发了数控木工路由器。数控木工路由器配备各种动力,满足广告行业的需求,如切割中密度板、木材、有机玻璃等非金属材料和常见金属材料。产品特点1。可选配U盘嵌入式DSP或数控专业数控加工系统,使木材数控机床在断电情况下可以继续雕刻,且加工时间可预测,机床可实现刀(可选)仿真雕刻。2.手柄式操作,大屏幕液晶显示屏,独特的机器设计,使木材数控机床使用更加方便。3.木数控机床主体采用高强度整体铸造机械结构,木数控机床配备进口直线导轨,双排四球滑块,承载能力强,机床运行更稳定,精度更高,刀位放置更准确。4.Wood cnc machine is compatible with a variety of software, such as the market commonly used Wentai carving, TYPE3, ARTCAM, JD carved, MasterCAM, UG, Castmate a variety of industrial design CAD / CAM software Application 1.Wood cnc machine suitable materials: Wood, MDF, MDF, PVC plastic, plexiglass, acrylic and other non-metallic materials and common metal materials 2.Wood cnc machine suitable industry: advertising word engraving and cutting, MDF cutting and engraving, hibiscus board processing, acrylic processing, handicrafts, signs, nameplate, electronic chassis openings, small cylindrical three-dimensional relief, PVC cutting and so on.