完美激光是世界领先的数控铣床制造商。PEM-6090W数控镂铣机是一种采用纯铝设计的三轴数控镂铣机,保证了机床的平行度,大大提高了机床的精度和速度。该数控镂铣机适用于大尺寸捏合板的切割和大型浮雕、标签的制作。数控雕刻机的尺寸是根据市场统计中的优化规则计算定制的。中国CNC数控加工设备主要涵盖市场上各种尺寸的商标和标签。1.5kw CNC铣刀和2.2kw CNC铣刀可一次性切割20mm厚的有机玻璃,也可用于大型浮雕。1) X、Y、Z轴采用进口滚珠丝杠。它是精确和快速的。甚至1毫米的字母也能清晰地辨认出来。小功率机床采用大功率主轴,是批量生产标签、建筑模型、模具的理想产品。 2) High speed calculation It uses DSP64 contouring control system and FPGA technology which can continually and smoothly run the three axes with high speed. It has the ability of calculation of 5000 vector/s. 3) Steble data transmission. Adopt ISA/IP DNC/IP straight technology, it associate the machine without interruption, enable no limitation of the amount of the document. 4) Double-nut guide screw .It uses Germany-imported high-precision ball bearing guide screw which can eliminate cracks automatically. Coordinated with the imported shaft coupling, it can realize precise control. It uses straight line guide rail (cylinder or square), which can ensure the working life.