采用高速主轴,水循环冷却,噪音小,无污染的小型数控机床。数控机床机床采用纯铝材制造,保证了机床的平行度和垂直度,大大提高了机床的精度和速度。微型数控铣床适用于大尺寸捏合板的切割和大尺寸浮雕、标签的制作。★产品特点1。X、Y、Z轴采用进口滚珠轴承丝杠。数控铣床的精密和快速。即使是1毫米的字母也可以清晰地辨认出来。小功率机床采用大功率主轴,三维数控铣床是适合批量制造建筑模型、标签、模具的产品。2.高速计算。 The mini CNC router engraver uses DSP64 contouring control system and FPGA technology which can continually and smoothly run the three axes with high speed. It has the ability of calculation of 5000 vector/s. 3. Steady data transmission. 3D CNC router uses ISA/IP DNC/IP technology straight association, and the 3D CNC router can associate the machine without interruption, no limitation of the amount of the document. 4. Double-nut guide screw. The mini CNC router engraver uses Germany-imported high-precision ball bearing guide screw which can eliminate cracks automatically. 5. Own big internal memory capacity of 32M, enable machine to store 30 processing files simultaneously and open or process any of them.