在正常应力载荷下的机器元件润滑的多用途润滑脂。在正常载荷下,各种卷绕轴承,滚动和枢转轴承的涂布区域,滚动和枢转轴承,花分轴,敲除纺锤和滑动表面以及润滑脂润滑的所有滑动速度都支持密封轴承和腐蚀保护的密封,并且由于最佳组合而高效的优点of components Good resistance to pressure and water Fewer downtimes and repairs as a result of reduced wearing Resistant to ageing and oxidation Technical specifications Operating temperature: -30 °C → +120 °C NLGI grade: 2 DN factor (dm x n): 500,000 mm/min Base oil viscosity (40 °C): 110 mm²/s Four-ball test rig (welding load): 2,000 N Applications For highest effectiveness, carefully clean the lubrication point, for example with OKS 2610/OKS 2611 universal cleaner. Before filling for first time, remove anti-corrosion agent. Fill the bearing such that all functional surfaces are certain of being greased. Fill normal bearings up to about 1/3 of the free space inside the bearing. Low-speed bearings (DN value < 50,000) and their housings should be filled completely. The bearing and machine manufacturer's instructions should be observed. Subsequent lubrication at the lubrication nipples by grease gun. Assess the lubrication frequency and quantity on basis of service conditions. If old grease cannot be removed, restrict the quantity of grease so as to avoid overlubricating the bearing. If lubrication frequencies tend to be low, you should aim for a full grease change. Only mix with suitable lubricants.