OKS 1155是一种用于润滑塑料和弹性体的强粘附的硅氧烷润滑脂。在金属,塑料和弹性体之间的滑动点彼此之间的滑动点润滑的区域,并且在低滑动速度下彼此具有增加的密封效果,例如,由于高度粘性硅氧烷润滑脂配方的最佳用途,在制动系统的气动系统中的润滑高效的优点和益处高度有效的正常润滑脂性能范围宽带润滑润滑脂具有良好的密封性能技术规格的工作温度:-65°C → +175 °C NLGI grade: 2 Base oil viscosity (25 °C): 100 mm²/s Applications For best results, clean lubricant points and surfaces carefully, e.g. with OKS 2610 or OKS 2611 universal cleaner. Remove the corrosion protection ahead of the initial filling. Fill the bearings in a way that all the functional surfaces for sure get the grease. Slow moving bearings(DN-value 400,000) up to about 1/4. Observe the instructions of the bearing or machine manufacturer. Relubrication with a grease gun on to the grease nipples or with an automatic lubrication system. Relubrication intervals and amount to be defined acc. to the service conditions. If the removal of the old grease is not possible the amount of grease has to be limited to avoid excess lubrication of the bearing. At longer relubrication intervals a complete exchange of the old grease is recommended.