OKS 491是一种用于缓慢转动的干润滑的开放式齿轮喷涂,开放的小齿轮和钢铁电缆等经受高压,灰尘或腐蚀性影响,例如户外风化。由于腐蚀和持续污染,佩戴齿轮的涂敷润滑区域高度磨损,例如穿着的磨损。在建筑机械,主轴压机,破碎机,磨机,挡风玻璃,垃圾处理装置,船舶升降钳口或水结构电线电缆受到户外风化,例如,在起重机系统,升降机和空中电车,船舶和海上设备,用于多种类型的密封润滑,包括粗链和连锁运输机的优点和益处,由于出色的润湿和润滑性能降低摩擦和磨损,因此减少必要的修复时间由于小的施用量和节约用量而产生的经济经济,由于有利的喷雾形式干燥,具有高粘合强度的弹性膜防止灰尘和污垢防水粘连,具有良好的腐蚀保护性能操作温度: -30 °C → +100 °C Applications For highest effectiveness, carefully clean the unstressed lubrication point, e.g. with OKS 2610 or OKS 2611 universal cleaner. Shake well before use. Spray from 20 - 30 cm distance to the prepared surface. The gear- and machine manufacturer´s instructions should be observed. Assess the lubrication frequency and quantity on basis of service conditions. Only mix with suitable lubricants. Industries No matter what industry you come from, we at OKS have the right solution for you.