MZS系列是由小仓制造的电磁单位置齿离合器系列。该系列提供零反弹,这可能是完全消除作为一个选择。它也能够在湿或干应用中使用离合器。这些离合器也提供了电枢组件,这应该是螺栓进入齿轮。它的另一个特点是在脱离模式下的零阻力扭矩,因为面是完全分离的。该系列扭矩由齿驱动,确保用户无滑动功能。该系列还保证使用寿命长。零反弹MZ系列提供最小的反弹。作为一种选择,反弹可以完全消除。零阻力扭矩在脱离模式下没有阻力扭矩,因为两个面完全分离。 NO SLIP Driving toque is via teeth, therefore slippage is non-existent when the clutch is engaged. WET / DRY APPLICATIONS The MZ series clutches can be used in either wet or dry applications. HIGH TORQUE COMPACT DESIGN The MZ Series tooth engagement clutches provide the highest torque per size of any electromagnetic clutch style. FLEXIBLE MOUNTING Clutches are supplied with armature assembly only which should be bolted into customer's gear, pulley or coupling. LONG LIFE Since tooth wear is minimal, the MZ series has an extremely long operational life.