FOPB-N电磁磁粉制动器系列提供快速响应。过励磁电路进一步加快了响应速度。转矩与速度无关,同时与施加到磁场上的电压成正比。OP单元是密封的,以防止磨损颗粒污染机器。这也避免了离合器受到机器环境的污染。OP系列机组的坚固结构和磁颗粒的精确配方结合在一起,提供了更长的寿命。该装置应水平安装。如果在倾斜或垂直位置使用,扭矩将不一致。OP系列可提供快速响应。响应速度可以通过过励磁电路进一步加快。 SLIP CAPACITY OP series units are designed to deliver high performance under constant slip conditions. NO CONTAMINATION Units are sealed which prevents any wear particles from contaminating the machine, and also prevents contamination of the clutch by the machine environment. STABLE TORQUE The OP series produce consistent and repeatable torque. Torque is independent of speed and proportional to voltage applied to the field. LONG LIFE The OP series unit's sturdy construction and precise formulation of the magnetic particles combine to provide extended life.