快速安装和易于维护可降低劳动力和停机费用。完全可与行业标准互换。多功能股票;可用的公制和英制尺寸盖紧固件。高拉伸,射击喷丸合金钢栅格和精密加工轮毂确保卓越的性能和长寿。»高拉伸,射击喷丸合金钢栅格弹簧和精密加工轮毂确保卓越的耦合性能和长寿命。»锥形网格设计用于与水平和垂直网格盖的其他行业标准电网联轴器互换。»旨在易于安装和维护,降低劳动力和停机费用。»这些栅格联轴器的扭转柔性和弹性有助于减少振动和靠垫冲击和冲击载荷。»盖子紧固件可以以一英寸或公制尺寸提供。 » Excellent for use in applications where the equipment is close coupled or spaced apart requiring a spacer style coupling arrangement. » Stock spacer or custom spacer lengths are available from jbj Techniques Limited. Grid couplings from jbj Techniques reduce vibration by as much as 30%, and cushion shock loads to safeguard your and equipment. The flexible nature of the spring-like grid absorbs impact energy by spreading it out over time, thus reducing the magnitude of the peak loads. This is possible because of the progressive contact that occurs between the curved profile of the hub teeth and the flexible grid. Therefore, as the load increases, more of the tooth comes into contact with the grid, thus supplying superior protection and supreme performance.