继续受益于S-Flex耦合的特点,但长3倍!新的EPDM耦合套筒元件至少持续3倍,只要先前的设计,节省了有价值的停机机会成本和维护成本。»易于安装»免维护»无润滑»抑制振动和控制冲击»扭转软»双重接触新材料还提供了至少30%的扭矩额定值,并允许产品缩小50%的应用程序,以创造平均成本缩小的产品缩小了23 - 33%的套管元件更换。通过研发部门进行的广泛测试将新的和改进的EPDM S-Flex耐久套管材料与先前的设计和竞争对手的类似风格联轴器进行了比较。最终,新的EPDM S-Flex耐久性材料在每个测试类别中满足或超过性能。注意仅适用于EPDM材料的性能改进。氯丁橡胶和Hytrel®类型保持不变。S-弯曲(柔性套筒)联轴器设计由三个部分组成。具有内齿的两个法兰与外牙接合弹性柔性套管。 Each flange is attached to the respective shaft of the driver and driven and torque is transmitted across the flanges through the sleeve. Misalignment and torsional shock loads are absorbed by shear deflection in the sleeve. The shear characteristic of the S–Flex coupling is very well suited to absorb impact loads. The S–Flex coupling from jbj Techniques offers combinations of flanges and sleeves which can be assembled to suit your specific application.