保护机械设备或其工作,从机械过载损坏。»扭矩限制高达23,000纳米。»耦合可防止高冲击载荷。»标准黄铜灌木,用于延长耐用性。»即使在组装状态下也可能进行扭矩调节。»可应要求提供耐酸性版本。»单位饰面机加工以满足客户应用。高质量的扭矩限制联轴器,完全机加工的部件,具有特殊防锈表面涂层。这一系列扭矩限制器完全封闭,以防止污垢污染内部。它们允许无级调节所需的滑动扭矩,即使已经安装。 These torque limiters have been constructed to allow easy adaptation to a wide variety of operating conditions, not only for frequent slippage at low torque, or low friction and extremely high torque, but also for all intermediate levels of torque, friction and desired service life length. The jbj Techniques website http://www.jbj.co.uk/Torquelimiters.html for further details and on-line specification catalogue.