1.-在50°C的真空中煮/浓缩。-真空混合。-在140°C的大气压下烹饪/浓缩——弗莱5。——炖6。——糖果7。-在大气压力或135°C以下的压力下,在水或其他液体中烹饪/烫伤8。-在大气压力或135°C以下压力下蒸-通过算法FO, F100和F71 10,可杀菌至135°C。 - sterilize up to 135°C with manual setting of time and temperature parameters. Ideal for production of: jams, marmalades, syrups, jellies, fruit juices, sauces, pates, vegetables pickled in oil and pickled, sauteed vegetables and meat, legumes and soups, fish, condiments and whatever needs these processes. MULTIFUNCTION SYSTEM It is the ideal system for those looking for a single system to obtain a packaged and ready-to-sell food product from the raw material. Built entirely in stainless steel, it is functional and intuitive; its build quality meets the very high standards that have always been imposed in Frigojollinox. It has been developed to offer small and medium-sized enterprises an all in one system with which to set up an entire laboratory of agri-food preserves. The BM50 TOP is equipped with two tanks that work totally autonomously and automatically. The Vacuum tank allows you to cook with almost all possible methods and in particular with the cooking/concentration method in vacuum. This method is ideal for the production of high quality jams and marmalades as well as sauces, chutneys, mustards, ready condiments and much more.