WorldPolyz000 LF液压操作对接机适用于PE和PP管道和来自UOMM至2000mm的配件。ISO 21307的标准机焊缝低压。DVS 2207和ANZ Popoo3 SLP。并有压力。时间和温度PLC控制。使用车载数据记录器手动打开/关闭。液压锁定主夹具。HYDRA选项提供液压开/闭式锁定主夹具。虽然HP选项允许在ASTM F 2620 - 13中焊接。ISO 21307高压和ANZ POPOO3 SHP。CNC平板电脑控制温度。 time and pressure with 20.000• data Logging. Excellent design and construction provide a premium machine for welding both on the worksite and in the factory. Welding can be carried out between clamps 3 & 4 for tees. bends and manifold work. All hydraulics are located on the main welding frame.