最快的。最安全的。最一致的对接焊机可用。由于博世雷克索和WorldPolys的60次进行了3年的研发,有多年的PE管道体验。每个焊接参数都是相同的。Polyforcel000通过删除操作员变量使您可以完全控制焊接。为ASTM提供高压和低压焊接。iso。澳大利亚/新西兰&DVS兼容。全自动加热。 changeover and cooling cycle following entry of welding standard. pipe diameter and wall thickness or SDR. automatic detection of pipe slippage. hands-free hydraulic open/close/locking of main clamps. Heavy duty all-terrain trolley with offset steering for pipeline use and disc brakes. Intuitive CNC controls easier to use than a smart-phone. impossible to crash clamps with facing tool or heating plate. rapid automatic changeover after heating. the safest machine on the market with keyed hydraulic lockout and Cat-3 E-stops. restricted operator entry to potential danger zones. external pipe lifters: