1.系统自动控制真空度,保证了实验过程中系统的高真空度和高稳定性。2.内置冷凝阱和半导体制冷技术,可在20 ~ 30分钟内将冷凝阱温度降至- 40℃。3.系统自动控制冷却水温度在设定温度±3℃范围内。实验结束后,循环系统中的水会自动回流到水箱中。水箱设有液位观察窗和溢流孔,防止过量加水。水箱配有液位开关,无水不加热,启动水泵。4. The heating power of distillation flask is simple and intuitive, and can be adjusted at any time, with an adjustment accuracy of 0.5%. 5. The built-in upper and lower limit function of the instrument ensures the safety of the glass instrument. 6. Built in condensate automatic recovery system, the oil vapor captured in the condensate trap during the experiment will automatically flow into the recovery bottle after liquefaction with the temperature rise of the cold trap at the end of the experiment, which is convenient for users to remove and measure. 7. The system is equipped with nitrogen interface. After the experiment, the system will prompt the user to open the nitrogen valve to avoid the danger of air entering the vacuum system.