本产品按GB/T3536标准设计制造。技术先进,操作简单,检测准确,重复性好,技术含量高,是替代进口产品的理想选择。必威体育app官方下载1.采用彩色液晶宽屏显示,全英文人机对话界面,触摸式键盘,可预置温度值、样品标签、大气压力、测试日期等参数,配有提示菜单提示输入;2.实时跟踪显示升温速率和测试时间的函数曲线;3.具有英文操作、软件故障提示、测试日期、测试时间等参数提示功能。仪器可存储120套历史数据;5. Automatically correct the impact of atmospheric pressure on the test and calculate the correction value; 6. Differential detection, automatic correction of system deviation; 7. Scan, ignition, detection, print data automatically completed without human intervention; 8. Tilt up and down, the test arm automatically rises and falls; 9. Forced air cooling. Technical Parameters Range: room temperature -300 ℃, resolution: 0.1 ℃ Repeatability: ≤4 ℃, reproducibility: ≤8 ℃ Display: color wide screen, detection mode: automatic test Data output: printout, ignition: gas flame Power supply voltage: AC220V, output power: 500W