没有什么能与封闭式驾驶室拖拉机的舒适、速度和效率相比。雪狼已经进入拖拉机市场与我们的新QuattroPlowTR雪犁附件。它为你提供了更多的方式来赚钱与你的拖拉机全年。体验四合一功能的四分之一今天!联系我们做示范。智能阀这雪狼独家液压阀控制犁翼无需您的手从控制。向右倾斜,等待推雪机位置。向左倾斜,保持犁翼或后阻力位置。将机翼向前移动以推动,向两侧移动以犁地,或将机翼向后移动以向后拖拽。允许您携带更多的雪后,更大的距离和更少的窗口。 23-Inch Extension on Each End in Wide-Angle Position Especially efficient for operators who seldom or never need backdragging containment. 35-Degree-Angle Tips on Wings Provides greater carrying capacity while minimizing windrows regardless of the direction the machine is moving. Keeps the wings clear of the machine’s front tires. Backdragging Down Pressure Delivers exemplary scraping ability and containment. 165-Degree Wing Rotation - Move the wing all the way forward for pushing, to the sides for plowing, or all the way back for backdragging. Allows you to carry more snow backward for a greater distance and fewer windrows.