quadtroplowhd是一款四合一犁,结合了我们最好的AlphaPlow™,FastTach®和WolfWings™。轻松地从角度犁直犁高容量推反拖只需几秒钟,无需离开你的机器,甚至不需要按一个按钮。第五个功能是广角犁,可以将犁的两端各延长28英寸。只需不到一分钟的时间,就可以重新定位犁两侧的机翼气缸。四分之一犁的翅膀自动使用只有两个软管和耦合器,就像一个角度犁。在正确的方向上彻底改变你移动雪和你的企业的方式。关于QuattroPlowHD联系我们。智能阀-这雪狼独家液压阀控制犁的翅膀,而不需要你的手从控制。向右倾斜,等待推雪机位置。向左倾斜,保持犁翼或后阻力位置。 The new type of hydraulic valve makes it possible to control the plow’s wings without ever removing your hands from the steering controls. 165-Degree Wing Rotation - Move the wings all the way forward for pushing, to the sides for plowing or all the way back for backdragging. Also allows you to carry more snow backward for a greater distance and with fewer windrows than with a straight plow alone. 23-Inch Extension on Each End in Wide-Angle Position - Especially efficient for operators who seldom or never need backdragging containment. 35-Degree-Angle Tips on Wings - Provides greater carrying capacity while minimizing windrows regardless of the direction the machine is moving. Also keeps the wings clear of the machine’s front tires.