一个高质量和可靠的Pt100 PRT(铂电阻温度计)或RTD(电阻温度检测器)传感探头。该RTD探头具有坚固的结构,传感元件封装在刚性316不锈钢护套中。引线具有耐用和灵活的硅橡胶绝缘。这种铂电阻温度计为广泛的应用提供了精确和可靠的温度测量。什么是RTD?RTD是一种基于金属与温度相关性的温度传感器。随着金属温度的升高,它对电流的阻力也随之增加。这个电阻可以测量并转换成温度读数。在Pt100 RTD中,“Pt”表示铂(铂丝或铂膜),“100”表示温度传感器在0°C时电阻为100欧姆。铂是最可靠的金属,因为它在很大的温度范围内与温度呈线性电阻关系。 What is a Pt100 Probe? A Pt100 probe is the most rugged form of RTD. The Pt100 sensor element is mounted inside a metal sheath or probe. This protects it from being damaged by the surrounding environment when it is inserted into the process to be measured. The other end of the probe is terminated by an insulated lead comprising of 4 wire tails which are connected to the temperature measuring equipment.