果断是什么?RESOLUTE是一个真正的绝对,精细间距光学编码器系统,具有卓越的污垢免疫,和一个令人印象深刻的规范,开创性的位置反馈。它是世界上第一个绝对编码器,能够1纳米分辨率高达100米/秒。超低的SDE和抖动导致线性编码器系统优于任何其他编码器在其类。RTLA30的规模是多少?RTLA30是一款低调的不锈钢卷尺,具有我们的30µm音高绝对刻度码。精确到±5µm/m,长度可达21米。两种安装选项,都允许独立的热膨胀和磁带规模方便。RTLA30可与革命性的FASTRACK™规模载体系统一起使用。该系统可以快速、轻松地铺设轨道,不需要固定孔。 A sacrificial spacer is removed and the tape scale is then fed into the track. RTLA30-S is laid onto the substrate with self-adhesive backing tape. The self-adhesive is formulated in such a way that it allows for independent scale expansion to that of the substrate. To complete the installation, both types of scale are clamped at one point to provide a datum position.