你可以将inVia与扫描探针显微镜(SPMs和AFMs)相结合,在纳米尺度上研究材料的组成、结构和性能。选择最好的系统inVia非常灵活;Renishaw可以直接将其连接到来自供应商的广泛的AFM和SPM,如:Bruker Nano Surfaces Nanonics NT-MDT JPK Park Nanosurf在via - afm系统中选择可以执行尖端增强拉曼散射(TERS)。这种令人兴奋的技术使用一个尖锐的电浆子尖端来获得纳米级的化学信息。TERS映射补充了streamlined™和StreamHR™,使您可以灵活地以任何您喜欢的分辨率研究示例。Renishaw特别设计的柔性耦合臂可用于光学集成via到SPM/ afm。它使用镜子来引导光线,提供了比光纤耦合更高的效率。你可以用更高的信噪比更快地得到光谱。对齐方式是很容易的。 All combined systems offer an inbuilt video with white light illumination so you can clearly see both the probe tip and the Raman laser spot together—critical for TERS work. Same location, same time You can have confidence in your data. You can simultaneously acquire Raman and AFM data from the same point on the sample without having to move it. This ensures that your data are consistent, even if your sample is changing with time. One combined system Analysis is co-localised; you don't have to move your sample between systems and then laboriously hunt to find the same point of interest.