PONSSE BEAVER HARVESTER PONSSE BEAVER HARVESTER PONSSE BEAVER HARVESTER PONSSE BEAVER HARVESTER PONSSE BEAVER HARVESTER敏捷的六轮,结合坚实的结构,使PONSSE海狸不可阻挡,即使在困难的细化地点。敏捷要求较小的转弯半径和较短的框架。这就是为什么海狸在岩石采伐场和其他需要敏捷的地方表现最好的原因。PONSSE BEAVER使工作轻松。不需要任何大型运输工具,运行成本低。它卓越的能见度和高可及起重机使工作容易,特别是在稀疏的地点。框架结构海狸框架的设计特别注重耐久性和易于维护。海狸的底盘结构是基于一个短轴距和一个自由浮动的门户桥。综合这些因素,可以为苛刻的变薄条件提供灵活的全地形解决方案。 CRANE The PONSSE C44+ parallel crane, with parallel action, uses hydraulics instead of mechanical leverage. This is why the crane is fuel-efficient and powerful and requires less maintenance. Ponsse designs and manufactures all of its crane models for high-quality and well-functioning crane-base machine combinations. HARVESTER HEADS PONSSE harvester heads are known for their high efficiency/weight ratios and robust structure, which are second to none. A broad harvester head range is available for Beaver: choose the small and feisty H5 for thinning-based harvesting or the light and efficient H6 as an all-round grapple for larger logging sites.