PONSSE SCORPION KING是现代收割机的典型代表,因其设计和技术创新而获奖。最好的奖励是它在森林机器企业家中很受欢迎。它是许多市场地区最畅销的庞氏收割机。蝎子王是一款配备了叉臂的三架收割机。它的平衡使客舱在所有条件下保持水平。此外,由于大的玻璃表面,从客舱的能见度是完美的,因为起重机不会阻挡任何方向的视野。它的双回路液压系统确保电力永远不会耗尽,即使在困难的条件下也不会。和蝎子王在一起,你是最重要的,即使是在平地上。然而,平衡机在苛刻的条件和不平坦的地形下是最好的。PONSSE Scorpion的设计聚焦于操作者——操作者是机器的中心点。 The cabin is located in the middle of the machine, making it easier to see its extremities when working at dense thinning sites. What is more, the operator is situated in the middle of the cabin’s turning radius: when the cabin turns, the operator does not feel like being on a carousel. This has a significant impact on comfort and wellbeing at work. The unique crane solution offers an excellent visibility in every direction. Good visibility, also on both sides of the cabin, enables efficiency without any limits. The operator can select trees and felling directions and place trees into piles efficiently, producing the best harvesting quality.