在金属加工行业,对覆盖有冲孔油或保护油的部件进行焊接也不例外。Plymovent公司的石灰岩给料机oilshield是专门为这些油性焊接应用而开发的。OilShield是一种给药装置,可以连续给管道系统注入石灰石。焊接产生的油烟是一种严重的火灾风险,并可能导致堵塞的过滤器盒的高更换成本。“油盾”可减低滤芯着火及垃圾箱自燃的风险。另一个好处是石灰石非常便宜。它是如何工作的?石灰石的主要特征是降低了石油的可燃性。这种有效的微粒吸收油质。混合的石灰石和石油变成了干燥的物质,当它到达过滤器时,就会落在垃圾箱里。 Reliability The high operational reliability is unique. OilShield features two agitators that keep the limestone in the hopper and feeder in motion, constantly. The agitators are specifically developed and adapted to meet the characteristics of limestone. This technology ensures a steady and uninterrupted feed of the limestone. The stand-alone unit can be integrated (or configured to communicate) with an existing filter control system by potential free contacts. OilShield offers the best of both worlds. It not only reduces the risks of fire, it also reduces filter maintenance costs considerably.