该系列产品可将金属加工行业的过滤器火灾风险降至最低必威体育app官方下载。SHIELD产必威体育app官方下载品分为防火产品、探测防火产品和灭火产品三大类。SHIELD项目包含多个组件,可以组合成一个系统解决方案。每个产品都有自己独特的特点和好处。由于每个工厂都是不同的,Plymovent可以针对如何控制你的车间的火灾风险提供专门的建议。我们可以为您的焊接应用和特殊要求量身定制系统解决方案。作为预防方法,Plymovent公司提供SparkShield¹和OilShield¹产品。必威体育app官方下载SparkShield是一种紧凑的在线火花避雷器,可防止火花、飞溅物和烟头进入管道系统,到达滤芯和垃圾箱中的碎片。OilShield是为含油焊接和机械加工等工序开发的,在这些工序中,零件表面覆盖有冲孔油或防锈剂。OilShield实际上是一个石灰石加药装置。 The key characteristic of limestone is that it decreases the combustibility of oil, reducing the risk of fire. Detection Detection takes place by detectors and ShieldControl. The detectors and the fire detection panel (ShieldControl) have been developed to detect a fire in its early stages. The main goal of the detection equipment is to activate the suppression products as early as possible. This will isolate the fire and prevent any filter fire escalating into a large system fire, limiting any consequential damage.