PHV是一种便携式萃取器。它能在热源附近提取焊接烟尘和磨削粉尘。PHV可以在任何地方使用,甚至在普通提取武器或移动设备无法或难以到达的地方。该单元可以安装在墙上或作为一个移动单元使用,在轮子上。集成的自动启动/停止装置使操作PHV装置变得容易。该装置在焊接开始时自动开启,在焊接停止时自动关闭。这一用户友好的功能保证了它有效地消除焊接烟雾,降低声音水平和节省能源。PHV装置在靠近焊接过程的源头提取焊接烟气。分离和过滤分五个步骤进行,确保过滤效率几乎100%*。切向入口开始于较大颗粒的旋风分离。 Two spark arresters prevent sparks from reaching the filter cartridge. A removable/cleanable aluminium pre filter captures the larger particles while the integrated spark arrester captures the finer particles. The Dura-H main filter cartridge has a surface of 12 m2,resulting in a long filter lifespan and a consistent high filtration thanks to the alternately sealed channel technology. The optional activated carbon filter (FAC -HV) neutralises unpleasant smells. The final HEPA* filter guarantees the high filtration efficiency. The HEPA filter makes the PHV suitable for stainless steel welding fume applications and is fitted as standard.