一种用于捕捉和过滤焊接烟雾的移动抽烟器。该移动式焊接排烟器是用于钢、不锈钢焊接的入门级排烟器。MobileGo是一款结构紧凑、功能强大的移动式焊接排烟器。它被设计为一个入门级萃取器或焊接过程,产生很少的烟尘。这个装置可以很容易地在车间周围移动,以便在需要的地方提取烟雾。焊接抽烟器装有一个一次性过滤器。MobileGo具有W3标记,可用于钢和不锈钢应用。这款移动式排烟器是汽车修理店、焊接学校、技术学院、小作坊和农业部门的理想入门级解决方案。MobileGo有两个版本:MobileGo和MobileGoPlus。抽烟器总是与抽烟臂结合在一起的。 The arms are available in 2 and 3 meter length, depending on the size of your workpiece and navigation through your workshop. Both MobileGo extractors have an acoustic ‘filter full’ alarm and an integrated spark deflection plate for enhanced safety. The units also have a service indicator that shows when the filter needs to be replaced. MobileGo The MobileGo is an entry level extractor. The filter has a capacity of 15m2. It is combined with the EcomonyArm extraction arm. This is the economical option for welding fume extraction. This extraction arm can easily be moved into the desired position. MobileGo is recommended when you use 1 coil of solid welding wire or 7,5 kg of welding electrodes per month.