1.该铝激光切割机配有智能激光切割机头,非接触式电容传感器,可自动检测金属板材的实际位置;具有自动对焦功能,更换金属板时无需重新对焦,大大提高了工作效率和加工精度。2.ss激光切割机采用整体龙门式机构和刀形工作平台,减少了运动惯性,提高了运行速度和加工精度。这确保了光路保持不变,并扩大了有效切割范围。4.ss激光切割机配备Ncstudio控制系统,采用光纤通信与机床驱动系统进行快速、稳定的数据交换;保证了机床在5-40m/min切削速度下的同步性和稳定性,大大提高了机床和电机的使用寿命。4. 2000 watts water chiller of the aluminum laser cutting machine ensures the stable operation of the fiber laser source. Its features are: reliable operation, low noise and long-lasting durability. By cooling the external laser path mirror and the focusing mirror of the machine, it ensures stable, high quality laser beam transmission and effectively prevents the lens from overheating, deformation or bursting. Tags:aluminium laser cutting machine,ss laser cutting machine