完美激光已成为激光设备行业中强大而突出的激光设备供应商。完美的激光金属切割机已达到国际先进水平,可以充分满足世界各地客户的生产需求。这台4000w激光切割金属机采用世界著名的光纤激光源,具有坚固的机器结构。钣金激光切割机具有功率电压高、切割精度高、运行稳定可靠、使用寿命长等显著特点。1.采用刚性的机器结构和进口高品质光纤激光源,该钣金激光切割机切割速度快、精确;2.钣金激光切割机切割头采用激光束成型设计,激光束质量好,切割效果充分保证;3.激光切割金属机的切割范围大,应用范围广,能充分满足各种高精度钣金激光切割; 4. It adopts stabilized machine structure, the sheet metal laser cutting machine function is powerful, the numerical control system is very good; 5. The sheet metal laser cutting machine is equipped with high-precision, fast-response Japanese made Panasonic service motor and driver systems, which is specifically suitable for fast and high precision sheet metal laser cutting and greatly improves working efficiency. Tags: sheet metal laser cutting, laser steel cutting machine, laser cutting metal machine