设备主要工作原理。ОVS-5-GS报警系统采用铝合金外壳,环氧树脂填充。外壳内装有控制板、两个单晶LED发射器和一个压电警报器。电缆入口与端子夹放置在外壳的底部。操作原理。上电后,告警接收到连接到SENS线的传感器的控制电平数据。根据接收到的传感器的控制电平数据,声音告警可能以不同的模式被激活。可调特性:光源连续发光,周期性闪烁(闪烁);声音信号调制类型;声级(“大声”和“降低音量”);按预设值激活一个或多个传感器,具有优先级调整; alarm signal duration timer. Control. The alarm can be switched off by the signal transmitted within the line by pressing the certain button on control and indication devices like MS-K-500, KN-LIN-STOP or SENS software. The alarm is a MASTER unit within SENS line. This allows to use the alarm along with sensors without additional secondary SENS devices.