信号装置应用于SENS测量系统与PMP-118, -128, -138, -201液位计的组合,指示油箱相对灌装与1.25%的满容积间隔(80值)。信号装置在铝合金外壳内制造(图1),填充环氧化合物。信号设备的条形图有40个红色led。柱状图的默认范围是0…100%;柱状体积单位可根据客户要求提供。信号装置可随面板安装附件提供(图2)。随连接的1.5米电缆提供(其他长度可根据用户要求提供)。电缆可以更换,电缆入口有螺丝端子夹在里面。指示模式(“发光柱”或“发光点”)的选择是通过敲击带有供应磁铁的信号装置外壳来实现的。敲击的位置在用户手册中有详细说明。 The mode “glowing column” indicates 40 values, the mode “glowing dot” indicates 80 values using glowing of 2 LEDs for indication of intermediate values (fig. 3). Mode for “bar-graph backlight&rdquo is supported; in poor light conditions - when entire bar-graph glows at reduced brightness and LEDs showing tank filling glow at full brightness. Indication of PMP failure is supported. Designation Ordering code for signaling device: signaling device VS-S-40-P-A-B-C, where: P - panel mounting kit: no designation - no kit; P - with panel mounting kit. A - cable fitting kitting: no designation - with UKM10; UKBK15 / UK16 - with corresponding cable protective sheath device.