主机与料斗分开设计,操作安全、简单、方便。整个操作由微机控制。配有独立过滤器,清理灰尘非常方便。th - s900gn -2一个控制器控制两个吸料斗,既避免占用空间,又便于管理。特点1。不锈钢料斗,重量轻,经久耐用,清洗设备非常方便。2.控制箱单独设计,便于维护。3.缺少材料时自动蜂鸣器报警。 4. Auto-protective device protects motro against overloading . 5. The bunker with electronic eye can be installed on the charging inlet of molding machine directly . 6. The air revolving dust arrester reduce the clean times of filter, is suitable for the grinded material conveying . 7. Can select two- material proportional valve, used for new material mixed grinded material using or instant receiving of grinded matrial.