此伺服驱动机器是专门为您的PET预成型加工应用而设计的。该系列机械速度快,精度高,重复性好。threeplast PET预制件注塑机可以帮助您在各种产品上达到最大的生产能力。必威体育app官方下载采用氮化+合金电镀的特殊PET预成型螺杆和桶。耐磨螺钉小费。高强度拉杆和刚性板。我们的PET预成型注塑机始终如一地提供高质量的输出与最复杂的模具。高速阀响应,可靠的连续运行和最佳的节能。优异的耐磨损、耐腐蚀螺杆及螺筒,适用于纤维添加剂及阻燃材料的加工。采用高扭矩,变速,径向柱塞马达驱动。PID温度控制保证了+/-1℃的精度,因此温度的波动非常小。 Cushion Monitoring can help the operator to check the quality of the product. I.e. if the injection end position is under the allowed tolerance that means that the product is within necessary required quality . Proportional Valve control for pressure and volume settings. Unique , Ultra Reliable . five point toggle clamping mechanism which is characterized by an almost ideal kinematic velocity feature . Mold opening and closing speed are digitally set in 4 stages , each with variable adjustment on pressure , volume and position .