Millermatic 350P铝200/230/460 V,标准单元功能包括-电源- 10英尺。(3米)工业电源线(无插头)- 10英尺。(3米)带夹钳的工作电缆-工厂安装的气体电磁阀-带软管的Smith®氩气混合调节器/流量计-工厂安装,低安装的运行齿轮/气缸齿条- 0.035和0.047英寸。(0.9 mm和1.2 mm) u型槽铝传动辊新!Millermatic 350P铝合金配备了一个扭矩进给推拉电机,可以在焊枪电机控制焊枪速度的同时,为焊丝提供持续的推力。电机协同工作,提供准确的正极送丝速度,不需要剃丝或变形。新!触发计划选择触发计划选择(SCHD)允许操作员在不焊接时,通过快速轻击枪触发器来选择替代计划。当需要在两个焊接参数之间切换时非常有用。新! Trigger Hold Trigger hold allows the operator to release the trigger while making long continuous welds, reducing hand and finger fatigue. NEW! Electronic Wire Spool Brake Electronic wire spool brake allows the wire spool to free spool while welding. This provides optimum wire feed delivery. When the gun trigger is released the brake engages. NEW! Jog and Purge Feature Jog and purge allow operator to jog the wire, or purge gas lines and preset gas pressure at the regulator before welding.